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A Pink Titty sweet potato. |
This is likely preaching to the quire, on my little no name unrecognizable blog here, of all places.
But you can't hear it enough.
It gos far beyond my small operation. It literally has world resounding implications as we march into our future, and the nonstop spewing of "We can't feed the world"......
My card says, "Tefoe. Growing worlds, feeding humanity".
Can you guess my stance on things?
As it stands, there should not be a single, not one, hungry person in the US. That in the foreseeable years there is the potential for empty stomachs because of severely poor choices, is sad.
Its time now, like never before to be growing our own food. To be lighting the fires under our A** and getting everyone else in on it.
We are without a doubt about to have very poor harvest of staple grains this year. If you follow any bit of news, agricultural or otherwise, you can pick up hints of it and if you have any monochrome of sense you can see that things are not well. For what ever reason, whether it just be a fluke with the flooding going on throughout the whole middle of our country or an actual consequences of a possible Grand solar minimum that we're heading into.(Check out adapt 2030 on youtube, while you still can)
It doesn't really matter at this point. You need to be growing your own food, and know how to store it, and how to eat it. Everyone will tell you that you need to grow anything just grow something it doesn't matter what you grow. I wouldn't say that's exactly so. You've had years to learn how to grow food, and I think in the coming years that if you didn't take the time to learn it you are going to pay for that in action. You need to be growing foods that will sustain in your family and keep you going and fed when you can't run out to the store and buy whatever you're needing at that moment.
I'll say right here personally that growing your own food, growing plants in general, raising livestock like I do as well, it's not that difficult. Of course I can say that because I've done it my entire life. I've learned hands on 100% On My Own with nobody there to teach me or show me most of the time. So I'm clearly biased. But none the less if you want to learn, need to learn, the only way is to get out there and do it.
I do what I do and I love what I do, and I want nothing more than to see people growing their own food, and raising goats, and enjoying it like I do. I love nothing more than when people come and buy my plants, or buy my goats and express interest in raising their own food and bettering their lives through that.
I've held off a long time in writing about what I do and Im falling off of my commitment to write as much as I wanted. But it's not an easy thing. This, the plants & my goats, is what I do. It's hard to find time to add more to it, but this is very important. What I'm writing about right here today.
I don't know if you can see it. Most people can't; it's very hard to Fathom things not working in our world the way they're supposed to. But if you just open your eyes and look around just a little bit and ask yourself simple questions, it's there. Not only is growing your own food, growing plants, a beautiful thing, but it'll change your life. If everyone grew things to eat, being able to walk out in their yard and pick a piece of fruit or dig up as sweet potato that they were going to eat for dinner. The world would change unimaginably because everybody's Outlook would change dramatically.
Having the knowledge and know-how to be able to grow the things that we as a species need to Be Alive at the most basic levels is something that's not too common.
To talk about myself for a moment.... I think I sometimes take it for granted, or don't realize, that what I do know is quite amazing. There's very little I can't grow, very little I haven't tried to grow and the things that come with that; being able to tell you when to plant squash, when to plant the broccoli seed, or when to stick a sweet potato slip in the ground, or when a plum tree is going to flower, or if a certain fruit is going to grow in a certain area, so on...
That's a lot of knowledge and it's easy to forget that very few people can grasp it, or understand it. Even if its simply because they just haven't learned.
So hopefully you guys reading this will seriously put thought and effort and sweat into, right now, at this moment, going and growing your own food.
If you want to continue reading my inane post I am seriously going to work much harder on writing about edible plants and crops you can grow, and sharing the knowledge that I have locked away in my empty cranium. If you have questions or you want to know something ask away I've worked years to gain the knowledge that I have.
It's time that it really gets out there and I'm going to join the corps of writers, blogger/vloggers, and hopefully even if one person gained something from me writing this I think it would be worthwhile.
I have years of hands-on experience, and even though I learn something everyday from the plants & animals that grow here in Central Florida I'm very blessed to be in position to have garnered enough experience & knowledge to share.
That I have year-round growing seasons to grow something, always, all the time is amazing.
Most people can do the same thing, though. Even if you're not in an outstanding growing area most things can be grown in large pots or tubs and green houses or on porches.
I work very hard to grow high-yielding, easy to grow crops that need as little input as possible. These are the things that are going to see us through the coming years when things aren't as kosher as they've been.
Instead of working hours on end to make other people money; you just making a smidge of the smallest of percentages from what you're actually making your employer. Why not take that time and money that you would spend in going to the grocery store and buying garbage or chemically Laden crap, and grow your own?
You only live once.
Is your time better spent growing amazing food, or sitting at somebody else's desk, and making them millions compared to the half pennies they pay you in return?
Think about it. we don't have very much time left... If any....